Staying safe this memorial day weekend
Memorial Day May 25th weekend is considered one of most dangerous weekends of the entire year to travel on American roads and is expected to be one of the worst in the last decade. With an estimated 35 million Americans on the roads this weekend it’s important to prepare rather than dealing with a breakdown. Observing the posted speed limits are important to your safety and those around you.
Check your Tire’s Air Pressure, Tread Wear, and Spare. With 80 percent of accidents in a recent analysis showing a contributing factor being road departure speed, bad tire tread or lack of tread were contributing factors to loss of control.
Buckle Up, Every Trip, Every Time: One of your best defenses against a drunk driver is your seat belt. Even if you are just moving a car in the driveway and have to pull into the street for a moment an impaired driver could be just around the corner.
Never Drink and Drive: Always Designate a driver that will not be drinking alcohol. With costs exceeding ten thousand dollars for a first offense, yet more importantly the safely of those around you, Always Drive Sober.
Watch out for Road Rage: In recent years road rage has been in the news after becoming somewhat of an epidemic. Prepare by always leaving plenty of room when merging, keep your speed to the posted limit or below as conditions require, and observe all obstacles you may encounter on the roadway.