Safe driving tips Memorial Day 2016

The 2015 Memorial Day weekend proved to be quite dangerous on our Connecticut roadways when you consider statics provided by the Connecticut state police. With 57 Drivers ticketed for DUI, over 7200 tickets for infractions from speeding to Hazardous moving violation, and 285 Motor vehicle accidents it wasn’t easy staying safe. We hope the tips that we provide below help in making your time on our roadways just a bit safer.

Memorial day 2016 | Remebering those how have served

You may have noticed the use of the word our; We ask that everyone take a moment to thank those who have served; keeping our country safe and making sure our roads stay ours.

When using Child seats in an vehicle make sure they are properly installed with leading causes of injures to children during an accident is improperly installed seats and restraints. If you would like to have your seat inspected please visit for an inspection station location in your area.

With van and mini van rentals becoming popular for traveling its import to not overload the vehicle with people and or cargo. Make sure you have a clear line of site out of the windows and from all mirrors, if you cant see over or through your cargo an unsafe condition exists and should be corrected before embarking on your trip.

Also be careful no to drive distracted. If you are traveling and must stay connected designate someone other than the driver as the text’r for the trip and arrive alive. For more information on how to stay aware please visit

A reminder of last years tips

Check your Tire’s Air Pressure, Tread Wear, and Spare. With 80 percent of accidents in a recent analysis showing a contributing factor being road departure speed, bad tire tread or lack of tread were contributing factors to loss of control.

Buckle Up, Every Trip, Every Time: One of your best defenses against a drunk driver is your seat belt. Even if you are just moving a car in the driveway and have to pull into the street for a moment an impaired driver could be just around the corner.

Never Drink and Drive: Always Designate a driver that will not be drinking alcohol. With costs exceeding ten thousand dollars for a first offense, yet more importantly the safely of those around you, Always Drive Sober.

Watch out for Road Rage: In recent years road rage has been in the news after becoming somewhat of an epidemic. Prepare by always leaving plenty of room when merging, keep your speed to the posted limit or below as conditions require, and observe all obstacles you may encounter on the roadway.